FAQ on Bench

The Bench is available in Mango Wood, Mango Wood, Oak Wood, and more.

A shipping cost is charged if the product’s price is below INR 1000. However, when the product’s price is more than INR 1000, the shipping is free.

Bench products range from the lowest price being INR 7800 to the highest price being INR 21000.

There are total 3 products in Bench Category.

Twine Wooden Bench with Rack (White), Twine Wooden Bench (Blue), Cane Craft Bench, etc are the best selling products in Bench Category.

At Ellementry, we believe that beauty is a blend of what looks good and also does good. And that this blend shows up in the most unlikely places. Handcrafted wooden bench online from Ellementry is a sleek, trendy and functional bench. Ellementry is delivering the perfect blend of style and functionality by transforming the humble bench into a comfortable and elegant part of the furniture. A wooden bench can lend a charm to any space and fits well in the home décor as these are multi-faceted and useful in multiple situations. Crafted in the style of the traditional 'charpoy', a type of bench used all over India, it fits right into your home. Your rack is everything you'll need. It can be used as an entryway bench, so, So, on your way out, you don't have to look for a spot to sit and wear your shoes. You can place the bench against a wall. You can use it as a bed bench at the foot of your bed, you can use it as a window seat too.