FAQ on Wooden Belan

The Wooden Belan is available in Teak Wood, and more.

A shipping cost is charged if the product’s price is below INR 1000. However, when the product’s price is more than INR 1000, the shipping is free.

Wooden Belan products range from the lowest price being INR 1215 to the highest price being INR 1215.

There are total 1 products in Wooden Belan Category.

In Teak Wooden Belan with Stand, etc are the best selling products in Wooden Belan Category.

Belan / Rolling Pin

Traditions are passed down from generation to generation in the form of written records. They can be read, studied, and practised for a long period of time. Then there are traditions that are passed down orally from generation to generation. From a parent to a child, from a grandmother to a grandchild. These become cultural hand-me-downs, and one such thing is the art of roti-making. For centuries, Indian households have understood how to produce and maintain round rotis. And such a tradition deserves to be passed down as well. A family heirloom for the kitchen. We'd like to introduce you to our rolling pin and board.

It includes a hardwood belan and a beautiful belan stand. As a result, you won't have to worry about the belan sliding off as you cook your rotis. Therefore, while searching for a rolling pin, ask yourself if it comes with a stand. Additionally, the hardwood belan is ergonomically built, with the ideal form and size for effortlessly dishing out circular rotis. Online at ellementry.com, you may get a wooden rolling pin. We reinvent and adapt customs to meet your daily life.

Ways to use the Rolling Pin or Belan

1 Dust the work area lightly with flour and place the pastry dough on top. Dust with extra flour if necessary. Coat the rolling pin with flour to prevent it from sticking to the dough. With your dominant hand, forcefully strike the dough's surface until it is flattened.

2 Dust additional flour on top and beneath the dough. Grasp both ends of the rolling pin with one hand. The pin's main section should be pressed into the dough's centre. In one swoosh, push down and roll to the edge. Rep this process until all of the dough's edges have been rolled out. Rotate the dough 1/4 turn and continue rolling, always starting in the centre and working outwards.

3 A heavier rolling pin made of teak wood , flattens the dough more quickly than a french rolling pin. To use, place your hands flat on either end of the pin while maintaining a flexed grip on the fingers. Roll the pin across the dough, below your hands. Continue to sprinkle flour on the work surface as needed.

4 Use a French rolling pin to round up the dough. One hand should be flat on top of the pin and anchored to the dough. Roll the pin in a circular motion with the other hand to create a rounder, broader form. Continue rolling the dough until it is completely flat. Lift and rotate the dough regularly, dusting the work surface with additional flour to prevent sticking or ripping.

What all rolling Pin can be used for apart from rolling rotis

Grind- A rolling pin can be used in place of a mortar and pestle  to grind spices instantly. 

Crumb- These culinary implements can be used to pulverise chips or reduce nuts to practically powder form.

Smash- For cocktail connoisseurs, a rolling pin doubles as a muddler and an ice crusher. The pin's flat ends provide the ideal surface area for smashing herbs and extracting essential oils for optimum flavour. Basically, anything may be pulverised with the aid of a rolling pin—garlic, roasted tomatoes, etc.

Mold - It is a durable and firm mould for baked wafer or fondant. Additionally, the end can be used as a stencil by closely cutting along its edge to generate discs of consistent size.