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In today's eco-conscious world, reusable glass bottles have become a staple for those looking to reduce their environmental footprint while staying hydrated on the go. However, proper cleaning and sanitisation are essential to ensure the safety and longevity of your glass bottle.

Join us as we explore quick and effective tips to keep your glass drinking bottle sparkling clean, allowing you to enjoy your favourite beverages with peace of mind.

How to Clean and Reuse your Glass Bottle

Gentle Cleaning: A Key to Longevity

Before diving into sanitisation, it's crucial to start with gentle cleaning to remove any residue or impurities from your glass bottle. Begin by rinsing the bottle with warm water and a mild dish soap, using a bottle brush to reach all the nooks and crannies. Pay special attention to the cap and mouthpiece, where bacteria can accumulate. Rinse thoroughly to ensure no soap residue remains.

Sanitisation: Banishing Germs with Ease

Once your glass bottle is clean, it's time to focus on sanitisation to eliminate any lingering germs or bacteria. One of the easiest and most effective methods is to fill the bottle with a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar. Let it sit for a few hours or overnight, allowing the vinegar's acidic properties to break down bacteria and odours. Rinse thoroughly with warm water before use.

Deep Cleaning: Tackling Stubborn Stains

For stubborn stains or odours that persist even after gentle cleaning and sanitisation, a deeper clean may be necessary. Create a paste using baking soda and water, then apply it to the stained areas of the glass bottle. Use a bottle brush or sponge to scrub the paste into the glass, focusing on areas with discoloration or buildup. Rinse thoroughly with warm water to reveal a clean and odour-free bottle.

Drying and Storage: Ensuring Longevity

After cleaning and sanitizing your glass bottle, it's essential to allow it to dry completely before storing it away. Air-drying upside down on a dish rack is the best method to prevent moisture buildup and potential mold growth. Once dry, store your glass bottle in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its integrity and prolong its lifespan.

Must Read: How to clean oil bottles


In conclusion, keeping your glass drinking bottle clean and sanitised is essential for both your health and the environment. By following these quick tips for gentle cleaning, sanitisation, and deep cleaning, you can ensure that your glass bottle remains sparkling clean and ready for reuse. So, let's raise a toast to sustainable hydration and a healthier planet—one clean glass bottle at a time.

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